Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Promote Health and Stay on a Budget, Gifts For Under $30

Hello, How Are You Today? I'm very Good Thank You, In a Shopping Mood...Fun!

I Will Share With You Some Great Gifts Ideas... This Mat Bags are Sooo cute, practical and it's under $30. Promote Health and stay on Budget :)

Visit Our Boutique a the Yoga Lounge.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

How are you Doing? 

I'm in Peace... Just had a lovely dinner! I love this photo, it brings me peace...wait, can you see a little person doing Yoga in there?
Anyway, I just wanted to say This to you in case I haven't said it yet:

May your Thanksgiving be filled with gratitude. May you share many wonderful relationships that nourish you even more than the food. May you have an abundance of blessings and happiness.
I'm very Grateful and really blessed to be surrounded by such great friends, instructors and clients!

Monday, November 15, 2010

How to Do Bird of Paradise Pose

Type of pose: Standing, balancing
Benefits: Strengthens the legs, improves balance, opens the groins and hamstrings


1. Begin in bound extended side angle pose.

2. Turn your gaze to the floor and step the back foot forward so that the feet are parallel at the front of the mat. Keep the bind while you do this.

3. Shift your weight into your free leg (the unbound one).

4. Slowly bring yourself up to standing, keeping the bind and therefore lifting the bound leg up with you.

5. When you feel steady, extend the bound leg to a straight position. Bring the gaze over your opposite shoulder.

6. To come out, slowly lower the bound leg to the floor. Step the free leg to the back of the mat, reversing the process you used to come into the pose.

7. Repeat on the other side.

Beginners: Stop whenever you find yourself needing to release the bind.


You are a Sun-shining!

Good Morning!

I hope you had a great weekend. Just wanted to post this and make a note: This is not a religious statement, the word "God" applies to your own definition of God

Saturday, November 13, 2010


This is sooo funny! I wanted to share... What's your favorite pose?


Hope you are enjoying this beautiful day in San diego. Just wanted to post this to help you to experience your day magically

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ocean Breath – Ujjayi Pranayam

Ocean Breath – Ujjayi Pranayam. Also known as: Hissing Breath, Victorious Breath

Benefits: Concentrates and directs the breath, giving asana practice extra power and focus.
This pranayama is most often used in association with the practice of yoga poses, especially in the vinyasa style. Vinyasa yoga is breath-synchronized movement, and the breath used is Ujjayi breath. Learn this breath while seated in a comfortable cross-legged position. Once you feel confident, begin to use it during asana practice.

1. Inhale and exhale deeply through the mouth.
2. On the exhales, begin to tone the back of the throat, slightly constricting the passage of air. Imagine that you are fogging up a pair of glasses.
3. Once you are comfortable with the exhale, begin to apply the same toning of the throat to the inhales. This is where the name of the breath comes from: it sounds like the ocean. (It also sounds like Darth Vadar.)
4. When you are able to control the throat on both the inhale and the exhale, close the mouth and begin breathing through the nose. Continue applying the same toning to the throat that you did when the mouth was open. The breath will still make a loud noise coming in and out of the nose. This is Ujjayi breath.
5. Now start to use this breath during your practice. If the teacher tells you to move on an inhale, make it an Ujjayi inhale. If you need a little something extra while holding a pose, remember this breath.
Another way to think about Ujjayi Breath is to visualize your throat as a garden hose, with the breath passing through like a trickle of water. If you put your thumb partially over the opening of the hose, you increase the power of the water that is coming through. This is the same thing you are doing with your throat during Ujjayi breathing. The air that comes in through your constricted throat is a powerful, directed breath that you can send into the parts of your body that need it during yoga.